Elections Matter: Democrats Conjure Up Thirty Year Old Anonymous Sexual Misconduct Letter to Smear Kavanaugh

On Friday’s Gill Report – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 1510 WLAC weekdays at 7:30 am – Star News Digital Media National Political Editor Steve Gill was perplexed by the Democrats’ recent attempts to smear Brett Kavanaugh with an anonymous thirty year old allegation on the eve of his confirmation.  Gill was dumbfounded by the desperation in the Democratic party and stressed how important elections are to the judicial process.

“Elections matter,” Gill conceded.

He continued:

The desperation of the Democrats to stop Brett Kavanaugh from getting confirmed as a justice to the US Supreme Court has reached a pitiful new loan. Now keep in the mind the Democrats have covered up for the worst kinds of predators and sexual offenders from Hollywood, from within their own ranks, in the White House with President Bill Clinton and others.

They have gone to extremes to cover up the the misdeeds and conduct in a current era of their own colleagues, advocates and allies. But they’ll go back into the deep dark ages and any rumor, any smear to attack a Republican is fair game. Well now they’ve reached a new low with an attempt to knock Brett Kavanaugh out of his confirmation by using unfounded allegations that Diane Feinstein, and keep in mind that if Phil Bredesen gets elected to the Senate, Diane Feinstein would become chairman of the judiciary committee. So, her behavior is what you reward if you make Phil Bredesen a US Senator from Tennessee.

Anyway, Diane Feinstein claims she has a letter from a person who was involved with Kavanaugh to the FBI and suggests she’s concerned about its contents. A letter dealing with possible sexual misconduct involving Kavanaugh and a woman when they were both in high school. Let’s see Kavanaugh is what in his fifties, thirty years ago while he was in high school? “He brushed his left hand against my breast.” I don’t know what the allegation is. High school. That’s the best the Democrats have to try and smear Brett Kavanaugh.

They’re going back to high school and an anonymous letter from a woman that claims that while they were both in high school, he may have engaged in possible sexual misconduct. Now he went to Georgetown Preparatory High School. Which is an all-boys school. So, the woman didn’t actually go to school with him, we don’t know her story it’s just one of those anonymous ‘eve of confirmation smear campaigns’.

Now the FBI has vetted Kavanaugh through his twenty-five-year career. He’s been confirmed to a court of appeals judicial position by the Democrats, the same one’s that are now trying to oppose him. He sat through sixty-five meetings with Senators, thirty hours of testimony, addressed over two thousand questions.

And now at the last minute they use an anonymous smear campaign to try to block him from the supreme court.

This is why elections matter.


Listen to the full segment:


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